Consultation closed.

About the project

About 500 household were selected to take part in our weekly food scraps recovery trial beginning on Tuesday 14 November 2017. If you received a project postcard in the mail, that meant you had been selected to participate.

Participants in standalone households received a free food scraps tub, while those in apartments had access to a communal food scraps bin. We collected the contents of the bins every Tuesday morning alongside your other bins.

Quick questions: You can help us plan for and improve the service by filling out a 3-minute survey on your current (pre-trial) food waste habits.

Participants will be helping:

  • the environment by reducing the amount of waste going to landfill (when food goes to landfill it generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas).
  • to build a local network of Food Scraps Champions by sharing ideas and experiences through forums and groups.
  • develop a best practice program that can be expanded to more households in the Yarra community.